Travel Medicine

Bluff Road medical is one of Melbourne’s leading travel clinics. We are associated with the Travel Medicine Alliance (TMA), Australia’s premier national organisation of independent Travel Medicine clinics.

Our travel doctors offer tailored travel advice and can administer a comprehensive range of travel vaccines, including Yellow Fever. We can also provide advice about other important considerations such as malaria, dengue, Zika virus, rabies, traveller’s diarrhoea and altitude sickness.

Why choose Bluff Road medical as your travel doctor?

Our travel advice is personalised to your specific needs, whether you’re planning to venture into the Amazon or relax on a beach in Cuba. Furthermore, our doctors are on top of all the latest medical developments around the planet that could affect you. Most of our travel doctors are also avid travellers themselves!

If you need travel vaccines before you depart, Bluff Road medical offers the convenience of being able to administer them on site at our centrally located Cheltenham travel clinic.

Scheduling your appointment 

Ideally, it’s best to book six to eight weeks before your departure. Please make a 30-minute appointment with one of our travel doctors such as Dr Roxana Courtney, Dr Cora Mayer or Dr Jason Rajakulendran. Please call our Cheltenham travel clinic on (03) 9583 1630 to book.

What to bring to your appointment?

  • Please download and complete our pre-travel form before arriving at your appointment. Click here.
  • Your travel itinerary
  • Your vaccination records (if possible)

Which vaccines are available? 

Travel Medicine Sandringham

Bluff Road medical are a one-stop shop for all your travel vaccination needs! Although vaccines vary in cost, most range between $30 to $150. Please contact your private health fund to find out about any applicable partial reimbursements you may be entitled to. We offer:


  • Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Tetanus Diphtheria Vaccine
  • Polio Pertussis Tetanus Diphtheria Vaccine
  • Polio Vaccine
  • Chicken Pox Vaccine
  • Cholera Vaccine
  • Flu Vaccine
  • Hepatitis A & Typhoid Vaccine
  • Hepatitis A & B Vaccine
  • Hepatitis A Vaccine – Adult / Child
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine
  • Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine
  • Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine
  • Meningococcal B Vaccine
  • Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccine
  • Pneumonia Vaccine
  • Rabies Vaccine
  • Shingles Vaccine
  • Typhoid Vaccine  –  Oral / Injection
  • Yellow Fever Vaccine

Travel packs

We offer tailored medical travel packs with everything you may need during your adventure. These kits are customised to your specific requirements, and may include medication for traveller’s diarrhoea, altitude sickness, malaria and different repellents for various outdoor climates. Please enquire about our travel packs during your travel medicine appointment! 

Other considerations

Don’t forget to arrange travel insurance before you depart. It’s also a good idea to browse the Smart Traveller website for travel advice and register your details with them, so that the government can contact your family in the event of an emergency.

To book a Travel Medicine appointment, please call our Cheltenham travel clinic on 03 9598 6244. Safe travels!

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